Monday 28 November 2016


The Fire Outside

As far a new-age nouns go, “life hack” is a term that can be difficult to digest. Loosely defined as a “trick shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life", it seems that everything we do these days can be accelerated/improved/tweaked by some hack or other. Ever noticed people rushing to and from a yoga class? Speed things up to speed up even more seems to be the common denominator, even in pursuit of a quiet mind.

But what about slowing down and enjoying the simple things in life? Yes, there might be various sleep hacks out there but sitting around a fire shooting the breeze is still among the most relaxing and social things around. A wise pundit once stated that “a quiet evening of calm socializing or reading and a dark environment is the best transition to peaceful sleep. Just like jogging with your dog improves overall fitness.”

Make a fire. Walk the dog.

Downward Dog?