Wednesday, 28 March 2012

ABSA Cape Epic 2012 - Part 3

Morning training for Epic support staff:

After dropping my Dutch friends at the start, I 'hightail' back into the mountains to load luggage and head to our next destination, Caledon. But before that, I decide to do my Wednesday morning fartlek run while I still have the opportunity of making the most of this amazing area.

After checking the clock on the kombi (I don't like watches and gadgets), I begin at a slow jog, which I intend to maintain for the next 15-20 minutes before turning around and 'klapping' it back up to 'Die Laaitjie' guesthouse. Cruising at warmup pace, the legs feel good and I gradually increase the pace whilst taking in the view.

After turning around, I decide to 'fartlek' the return journey, which includes several 'gut-busting' climbs. All on gravel. Up and over the final hill, I cruise back down and past the kombi, exhilarated by a great effort. After stopping, I walk back to the kombi and check the clock; 38 minutes or so of solid effort.

Now for my "cooldown/core/plyometrics" workout:

get the bags from all three cottages up a 15% loose gravel incline into the kombi parked at the top, hitch the trailer, shower and leave.

The bags get moved to the top cottage:

And up the hill.

Into the kombi.

The trailer and the errant jockey wheel - 'n boer maak 'n plan.

Shower, change and...'n koppie tee met 'n bietjie diktee.

And we are off to Caledon. Managed to see some of the race en route from my suite.

Mister African: 'Raynard, ek is by die pisplek. Wag vir my asseblief.'

'Ja kaptein Nambo!'

'Lekker. My "excess baggage" is verby.'

Rwandan prodigy: Adrien Niyonshuti

Alex Moos of Team BMC.

Erik of the legendary Team 29ers.

Images of yesterday evening's Dutch summit and massage therapy. Bert took a tumble and required stitches in his elbow. Today, he'll ride with the added protection of some sun-protective Second Skins sleeves.

And finally. Being a mechanic is tough work, especially if you are Sven of Team 360 Life. Heart Choice Energiser and Gastro Choice pro-biotics will get him through a long night's work.